THE COURIER-JOURNAL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1986 7 KEA leader flies, Collins walks in drive on school-chief proposal Will it- Elderly wait in line for course on Merton about three hours with two members of the Kentucky House. Under the proposal, the state Board of Education would draw up qualifications for the post and hire a superintendent on a renewable contract for up to five years. Members of the state board would be nominated by the governor and confirmed by the Kentucky Senate for staggered six-year terms. They now are appointed by the governor with no confirmation. In a separate news conference in Louisville, several state education, business and civic leaders joined forces in urging support for passage of the amendment.
Those attending included James Ratcllffe, a member of the state Board of Education; Irish Irish," immediate past president of the state PTA; Sylvia Watson, a former'Jef-ferson County commissioner and a member of the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence; Jefferson County School Superintendent Donald W. Ingwerson; and Jefferson County Judge-Executive Harvey Sloane. Aisoclattd Pratt Opponents of the proposed constitutional amendment to make the state school superintendent an appointive post campaigned across the state yesterday, while Gov. Martha Layne Collins went door to door supporting it. On a whirlwind airport tour that Included stops in Northern Kentucky, Paducah and Owensboro, Kentucky Education Association President David Allen disputed claims that education should be operated like a business and that an appointed superintendent would help achieve such an effect.
"Education Is not a corporate business," he said at Greater Cincinnati International Airport In Boone County. "The children are not assembly-line products like computers, televisions or even Toyotas." The KEA, a statewide teachers' organization, and the state PTA also began newspaper and radio advertisements yesterday. Collins took to the streets of Lexington with her campaign for the amendment, which Is on Tuesday's election ballot, walking precincts for 5 liw Jiirtiitn i'fr -i f- Photo by Mlk Flihor the school. Osborn was encouraging the group to learn how to relax with transcendental meditation breathing exercises. Dr.
Donald R. Osborn spoke to a group of 35 people at Bellarmine College yesterday. They are participating in a weeklong Elderhostel at By GEORGE GRAVES Slid Writer For four years, Bellarmine College has invited elderly people from all over the country to spend a week on its campus learning about a Trappist monk who died nearly 20 years ago. And every year, the 35 spots fill up quickly, and the disappointed insist that their names be put on a waiting list. The monk is Thomas Merton, and "he seems to be one of those figures, where, when people are interested, they can't get enough," said Robert E.
Daggy, director of the college's Thomas Merton Studies Center. Daggy also runs Bellarmlne's EI-derhostel program, part of a national network that includes other Kentucky schools. The non-profit Elder-hostel headquartered In Boston, encourages colleges and universities to design low-cost, weeklong programs dealing with a particular theme for senior citizens. Merton, one of the leading intellectuals of his time, spent his years as a monk at Gethsemani Abbey near Bardstown. As Daggy points out, the famous monk lived in a way that inspires many elderhostelers: "Merton never stopped growing." "He could have been born at any time, during any age and been right on," Ray Tomaszewski said.
He and his wife, Kay, are among Bellarmlne's elderhostelers. They call Grand Rapids, home, but they log many miles traveling to hostels for the elderly. After discovering them just a couple of years ago, they have been to 16 from Arizona to Canada. In January, they attend three consecutive elder-hostels in the Southeast. This is the second year Edmund RELIGION NOTES was a religious experience to have been (at the abbey Thursday) for vespers." "You really feel Merton's spirit here with us," she said.
"I think we have been truly blessed, more than we know." "Last December, I started reading about him," said Elizabeth Laurent of Sebastopol, Calif. "I'd like to do his horoscope that's what I'd like to do. He sounds a lot like me. He loved to travel, but he wanted to be alone. He was religious, but worldly." And like Merton, she said, "I write poetry." Charles Meagher remembers seeing Merton at Gethest nani in 1941, when Merton was a new monk there.
The occasion was a religious procession to which the public was invited. Mary Meagher has another memory of Gethsemani, from 1947. On this visit, she and her husband happened to notice the monks returning from the fields at dusk. The monks, bedecked in boots, straw hats and bandannas, presented a peaceful tableau. "It was just tranquillity personified," she said.
"Merton is the icing on the cake for me," Mary Meagher said. "It Reimer has traveled from Rockport, to soak up a week's worth of Thomas Merton. Last year, the elderhostelers' trip to Gethsemani didn't include a pause at Merton's grave. This year, it did, and Reimer said the stop was worth the wait. The trip to Gethsemani moved Mary Corcoran, too.
"I was wiped out, I was overwhelmed," she said. "Thomas Merton has been a writer I have read, off and on (and) not too deeply," Corcoran, of Urbana, 111., said. "I have become a devotee now. Saint and devil, he comes out so human, his love of God runs through everything." Mary Meagher and her husband, Charles, live in a retirement community known as Vincentown in New Jersey. Their trip to Louisville has been a pilgrimage.
Chprles Meagher grew up in Louisville, and two of his uncles became Trappist monks at Gethesemani after their wives died. They, too, are now gone, and the Meaghers visited their graves along with Merton's during the elderhostel visit to the abbey Thursday. African nation will hold trial soon for ex-dictator BANGUI, Central African Republic (AP) Jean-Bedel Bokassa, the former dictator of the Central African Republic who proclaimed himself emperor, will be tried soon on charges of treason, murder and cannibalism. President Andre Kolingba said yesterday. On Oct.
22, Bokassa, 65, left France, where he had been in exile. and flew in secret to Bangui. He was arrested immediately. Bokassa was commander of the army when he seized power in 1969. He changed the country's name to the Central African Empire in 1977 and proclaimed himself Emperor Bokassa I in a ceremony inspired by the coronation of Napoleon.
WEATHER The following homecomings and anniversaries are scheduled: Atwood Wesleyan Church, 2201 Crittenden Drive, will celebrate its homecoming tomorrow. The Rev. Robert Mclntire, a general superintendent of the denomination, will be guest speaker during the 10:30 a.m. service. A covered-dish dinner will follow.
Asbury Chapel AME, 1801 W. Chestnut will feature the Murray State University Voices of Praise at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow as Asbury's Chancel Choir celebrates fts 1 5th anniversary. The following education programs, seminars and meetings are scheduled: Weekend Christian Education Conference, featuring Verna J. Doiier of Washington, D.
will include a Holy Eucharist service at 8:30 a.m. today at the Episcopal Church of Our Merciful Savior, 1 1th Street and Muhammad Ali Boulevard, followed by a workshop led by Dozier on "How to Tell the Story," from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dozier also will leod the Vigil for the Eve of Baptism service at 7 p.m. today and the service of Holy Baptism and Eucharist at 1 1 a.m.
tomorrow, both at Christ Church Cathedral, 421 S. Second St. The conference is free. Call (502) 584-7148. Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, 13800 Aiken Road, will continue James Dobson's film series, "Turn Your Heart Toward Home," at 6 p.m.
tomorrow. Woodland Baptist Church, 809 Pope Lick Road, will present a program on aging, led by Dr. Walter Jackson, at 6 p.m. tomorrow. Bethel United Church of Christ, 4004 Shelbyville Road, will hold educational forums at 7 p.m.
next Thursday and Nov. 13. Next Thursday's session is "Pronouncement on Public Education." Alpha Productions will sponsor a workshop on how to use Christian music os tool to reach people at noon Thursday at the Medical Arts Building, 1169 Eastern Parkway. The workshop will feature Greg Volz, former lead singer of Petra, and Joe English, formerly of the English Band and Paul McCartney and Wings. Christian Women's Club will meet Nov.
13 at 11:15 a.m. at Wildwood Country Club. Linda Sharber, Kentucky's Cosmetologist of the Year, will speak. For information ond reservations, call Ethel Logsdon at 635-2598 or Mary Futch at 239-1024 by Friday. By KAREN SMITH Staff Wrltar St Matthew United Church of Christ: Church Women United's World Community Day will be observed at 9:45 a.m.
today at the church, 607 E. St. Catherine St. The theme is "Look to the Mountains." St Matthews United Methodist: The Rev. Wesley H.
Allen will speak on the Stewardship Emphasis program at 8:30 and 11 a.m. tomorrow at the church, 319 Browns Lane. Thomas Jefferson Unitarian: Sam Fulkerson, a psychology professor at the University of Louisville, will speak on mysticism at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the church, 4938 Old Brownsboro Road. Holy Spirit Catholic Church: A gathering for young adults will be held at 2 p.m.
tomorrow at Holy Spirit Hall, Lexington Road and Cannons Lane. Social time, workshops, liturgy and dinner will be included. For information and to register, call 897-1749. Faith Chapel: The Sunshine Witnesses will sing at 5 p.m. tomorrow at the church, 4720 Dover Road.
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: The seminary workshop in church music drama will present "Herod" at 8 p.m. Tuesday In Alumni Chapel, 2825 Lexington Road. Admission is free. Meadowlawn Baptist: The Missionary Society of the church, 12103 Orell Road, will present a dramatic presentation, "What Would Vou Give In Exchange," at 7 p.m. Thursday.
A chili supper will be held at 5:30 p.m. The following revival services are scheduled: Seymour First Church of the Naza-rne, 311 Myers Seymour, Tuesday through Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Orville Jenkins will speak.
Harvest Baptist Tabernacle, 9205 Brown Austin Road. Thursday through Nov, 9, 7 p.m. The Rev. Ralph Sexton will speak. Cardinal Hill Baptist Church, 7901 St.
Anthony Church Road. Friday through Nov. 9, 7 p.m. A team of students from Camp-bellsville College will speak. I MiNNUKXis-sr AuiVfc vie I J-u I i yJRl- ii i-N 1 coiuMuv-rf Louisville pollution index Tht readings represent the single highest concentration of any ot the five monitored pollutants at any time during the 24-hour period ending at the time listed.
I a.m. yesterday (good). Elevated pollutant was particulates. II a.m. yesterday 31 (good).
Elevated pollutant was particulates. 1 p.m. yesterday 47 (good). Elevated pollutant was oione. p.m.
yesterday 51 (moderate). Elevated pollutant was ozone. Kentucky forecast Partly sunny today, mostly clear tonight, partly cloudy tomorrow; high in the lower to mid-70s today, low in the lower to mid-SOs tonight, high the mid-0s to lower 70s tomorrow. Southwest wind i to 10 mph. Nfwmi 'uvk AI tj" CUA (l) PARTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY 077 PREDICTED 54 HICH a LOW Around the world The following weather observations were made about 10 a.m.
yesterday and based on the previous 24 hours. City HI lo Weather Amsterdam 50 45 Cloudy Athens 3 57 Cloudy Bangkok 73 Clear Belgrade el 45 Cloudy Berlin 50 39 Cloudy Bermuda 71 Cloudy Bogota 64 46 Cloudy Brussels 54 37 Cloudy Buenos Aires 64 51 Rain Cairo 86 70 Clear Calgary 39 34 Snow Copenhagen 50 45 Clear Dublin 57 41 Cloudy Frankfurt 46 37 Ram Geneva 52 46 Clear Helsinki 45 37 Cloudy Hong Kong 75 63 Clear Istanbul 61 55 Cloudy Jerusalem 80 63 Cloudy Johannesburg 72 48 Cloudy Kiev 37 36 Cloudy Lima 71 58 Clear Lisbon 66 52 Clear Madrid 70 41 Clear Manila 84 72 Cloudy Montreal 43 32 Cloudy Moscow 36 36 Cloudy Oslo 49 45 Cloudy Paris 57 50 Rain Peking 54 30 Clear Rome 72 50 Clear Seoul 54 30 Clear Singapore 90 75 Cloudy Stockholm 46 43 Rain Sydney 86 59 Clear Taipei 73 61 Cloudy Tel Aviv 80 68 Cloudy Tokyo 61 50 Clear Toronto 45 34 Cloudy Vancouver 55 52 Rain Warsaw 50 37 Cloudy Indiana forecast Iwd MMMud wm Smwa SNOW WARM FRONT STATIONARY FRONT COlII FRONT Showers are predicted in a broad area from Arizona to Iowa, In parts of the Northeast and along the Atlantic coast. Snow is expected In parts of Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. Partly sunny and pleasant today, mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow with a chance of showers; high In the mid-Ms today and tomorrow, low In the mid-40s tonight. South wind i to 10 mph.
Chance of precipitation: 30 percent tonight and tomorrow. Standiford Field readings 1 a.m. 49 9 a.m. 49 5 p.m. 70 2 a.m.
47 10 a m. 54 6 p.m. 64 3 a.m. 47 11 a.m. 7 p.m.
65 4 a m. 46 Noon 66 p.m. 61 a m. 47 1 m. 69 9 m.
57 6 a m. 45 2 pa. 73 10 p.m. 58 7 o.m. 44 3 p.
74 1 1 pjn. 56 o.m. 44 4 p.m. 74 Midnight 56 Temperatures shown are for the 24 hours preceding the newspaper's date ot publication. Extended forecasts Kentucky! Cool Monday and Tuesday with little or no precipitation, warmer Wednesday; highs In the upper 50s to lower 60s, lows In the upper 30s to lower 40s.
Indiana: Partly cloudy and cool Monday and Tuesday, warmer Wednesday; highs In the lower 50s to lower 60s, lows in the mid-30s to lower 40s each day. I Louisville's FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Comer of 3rd St. Catherine Sunday School 9:30 A.M Selected cities weather summary Temperatures Indicate overnight lows, daytime highs. Precipitation tor 24 hours, ending at p.m. EOT.
Ohio River levels The following are the forecasts for river stages at 7 a.m. for the next three days and yesterday's 7 a.m. reading: Ynter. Today's Tsmar- ttt Flood tifi fere- rears eaVs stage sftge cast ferscast toft- LOCATION Ifettl (Mill (tnt) Hut) cut Gallipolls, Ohio (LGI.50 12 4 12.3 12 3 12.3 Ashland, Ky 52 33 9 33 9 33 9 33 9 Greenup Dam 54 14.3 14 2 14.0 14 0 Portsmouth, Ohio 50 15.1 15 0 14.9 14 9 Maysvllle, Ky 50 33 8 33.8 33.8 33 8 Meldahl, Ohio 131 13.8 13.6 13.5 Cincinnati 52 26.1 26.1 26 1 26 0 Markland Dam 13.5 13.5 13 13.2 Louisville (UG) 23 12 2 12 2 12.2 12 2 Louisville (LG) 55 li 11.8 11.7 11.5 Cannelton Dam (LG) 42 11 3 11.5 11.5 11.4 Newburgh, Ind. (LG) 38 13 8 14.0 14.1 14 0 Evansville, Ind 42 14 0 14.1 14.1 14 0 Uniontown Dam (LG)37 13.7 13.8 13 8 13 8 Shawneetown, III 33 16 2 16 3 16.3 16 3 Golconda.
Ill 40 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.6 (LG) lower gauge, (UG) upper gauge Christian Science Church Services 1 1 ii A Saw 4125ShelbyvilleRd. Subject: EVERLASTING Today's Forecasts Lo-Hl Partly Cloudy 35-60 Showers 43-57 Cloudy 26-31 Cloudy 58-68 Partly Cloudy DIIMKUMFNT 8:30 A.M. 10:50 A.M. "Use or Lose" Matthew TELECAST CHANNEL 11 AT 11 7:00 P.M. "God's Will for Marriage" Matthew Sun.
Service Sun. School 1 1 a.m. Today's Forecasts Lo-Hl Partly Cloudy 46-65 Sunny 49-75 Sunny 55-76 Sunny 53-72 Partly Cloudy 55-77 Partly Cloudy 76-M Cloudy 46-48 Partly Cloudy 28 38 Partly Cloudy 52-4 Fair 61-80 Partly Cloudy 42-63 Wed. evening lervke 7:30 p.m. 1 Nursery Available-All Are Welcome partly Cloudy J-' Sunny 24-44 Partly Cloudy 57-77 Sunny 18-37 Sunny 30-57 Partly Cloudy 39-64 Partly Cloudy 62-83 Partly Cloudy 46-58 Dr.
Stubbletield, Pastor t9 e4aa4te4 SOUTH WATTERSON TRAIL Cloudy Cloudy 5356 Partly Cloudy 35-56 Cloudy 23-40 Thunderstorms 63-70 lOalnut treet baptist (Eliurcl? "Only Minutes Away By Expressway" Take the St Catherine Exit off 1-65 Downtown 2 block West At 3rd Street Disl-A-Bible-Moment Va, 452-1515 BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting at: 50 1 2 So. Wattorson Trail WILLIAM D. MARTIN, Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 am, S.S. 10:40 am Wed. Prayer Service 7:30 p.m Evening Worship 6 pm "NEW CHURCH WITH A FORWARD VISION" Yesterday's City L-Hl Prec.
Las Vegas 63-72 00 Little Rock 49-75 .00 Los Angeles 59-74 .00 .80 Memphis 49-78 00 Miami Beach 80-84 00 Milwaukee 4443 .00 Minn -St Paul 50-52 .30 Nashville 43-76 00 New Orleans 49-78 00 New York 3B-53 .00 Norfolk, Va 58-63 .00 Oklahoma City 54-73 .00 Omaha 43-61 .06 Orlando 70-M .65 Philadelphia 39-57 .00 Phoenu 62-88 00 Pittsburgh 32-64 00 Portland, Me 27-43 00 Portland, Ore 5343 .03 Raleigh 50-67 00 Rapid City 34-40 .00 Reno 28-56 .00 Richmond 44-63 .00 St. Louis 43-72 00 Salt Lake City 32-53 00 San Diego 63-69 .00 San Francisco 57-74 00 San Juan, 75-87 .02 Sault Ste. Marie 34-56 .00 Seattle 50-58 .26 Shreveport 51-76 .00 Slouk Falls 39-52 .07 Spokane 42-53 .00 Tampa-St. Pete 7J-87 .00 Tucson 56-85 .00 Tulsa 55-74 .00 Washington, 42-59 .00 Wichita 57-72 .00 Yesterday! City Le-Ml prec Albany .00 Aibugueroue 42 73 .00 Anchorage 15-79 .00 Atlanta 55-71 .00 Atlantic City 42-52 00 Baltimore 40-55 .00 Billings 33-36 .00 Birmingham 52-77 .00 Bismarck 29-37 .01 Boise 34-55 .00 Boston 34-45 .00 Brownsville 57-82 .00 Buffalo 29-60 .00 Burlington, VI 22-45 00 Casper 33-45 .00 Charleston, 42-67 .00 Charleston, YV.Va. .00 Charlotte, 52-69 .00 Chicago 44-65 .00 Cincinnati 41-71 .00 Cleveland 3W5 .00 Columbia, SC 49-67 .16 Columbus, Ohio 4IM9 .00 Dallas-Ft.
Worth 51-74 .00 Denver 38-43 .26 Des Moines -7 .00 Detroit 38-60 .00 El Paso 43-81 .00 Fairbanks 6B-14 .00 Fargo 32-47 .00 Flagstaff 30-56 .05 Great Falls 24-27 .04 Hertford 25-50 .00 Honolulu 72-88 .00 Houston 51-74 .00 Indianapolis 40-70 .00 Jackson, Miss 41-80 .00 Jacksonville 67-76 .02 Juneau 24-36 .00 Kansas City 54-73 .00 i 'SOUTHEAST. CHRISTIAN THANK YOU DR. OATES! Cloudy 40-44 Partly Cloudy 70-84 Partly Cloudy 4347 Showers 62-78 Sunny 4446 Cloudy 29-57 Fair 4443 Cloudy 5344 Partly Cloudy 24-39 Sunny 22-57 Cloudy 4848 Partly Cloudy 4846 Partly Cloudy 32-53 Sunny 60-70 Sunny 57-76 Partly Cloudy 75-87 Cloudy 33-40 Cloudy 44 57 pBjr 53-60 Partly 27-40 Foggy 33-52 Partly Cloudy 72-84 Showers 56-74 Cloudy 54-58 Partly Cloudy 5048 Cloudy 49-58 Partly Cloudy 48-73 Cloudy 54-64 Cloudy 50-53 Partly Cloudy 51-69 Partly Cloudy 49-64 Rain 58-69 Partly Cloudy SO-61 Partly Cloudy 56-76 Snow 29-34 Cloudy 42-44 Cloudy 45-57 Cloudy 50-49 Partly Cloudy 00-25 Sunny 19-35 Showers 30-48 Sunny 20-45 Partly Cloudy 31-63 Sunny 69-88 Partly Cloudy 58-78 Partly Cloudy 48-67 Sunny 51-82 Thunderstorms 68-77 Rain 39-46 DriKel 45-55 REVIVAL Louisville Separate Baptist Church 504 E. Wenona Ave. Evangelist Wendell Hadley 7:00 P.M.
Nightly Beginning Sat. Nov. 1st Everyone Welcome Pastor John Davidson CHURCH Robert L. Russell. Minister SUN.
MORNING WORSHIP 6:00 9:10 10:20 11:30 Radio Messages Sat WFIA 11:30 a.m., Sun. WHAS 8 00 a.m., Sun. WAKY 8:30 a.m., Sun. WAVG 10:00 a.m. 2601 HIKES LANE St.
Matthews Baptist Church celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Dr. Wayne E. Oates as our Pastoral Care Consultant this Sunday. Mrs. Pauline Oates have Harvest Baptist Tabernacle announces REVIVAL SERVICES November 6-9th Dr.
Wavne and Vicki Jamison-Peterson Healing Teaching Services New Life Church 3402 Goose Creek Rd. shared their qifts of Christian caring and i 1 1 i Wifr'iMVr 'him 1 Vicki Jamison-Peterson hospitality with us, the members of St. Mat thews. They have brought healing and encouragement to our lives. They have given us hope and joy, and have modeled for us how we should live as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Wayne and Pauline, for the love of Christ we have received from you. St. Matthews Baptist Church offers to everyone the hope and joy of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. ST. MATTHEWS BAPTIST CHURCH 3515 Grandview Ave.
896-8882 Sunday School 9:30 a.m.-Worship 11:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. v. IV V. It. Bnmn Austin KiMd IdjrJ.ilf.
Kontutkv nam. November 7-9, 1986 Friday 7:00 P.M. Saturday 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Sunday 10:45 A.M.
7:00 P.M. For more information call: (502)426-3132 The public is invited. All seats are FREE. Evangelist Ralph Sexton Thursday through Saturday, 7 PM Sunday Morning, 1 1 AM.