The Logansport Morning Press from Logansport, Indiana (2025)

PAGE TWO THE LOGANSFUKT MUKNING FfUSSS, THURSDAY, JUNE 16,1921. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE her home in. Francesville; miter a visit with Mrs. Prank Blr." Miss May White ot IJogansport i visiting her White and famiSy. 5 John Buss, Nathan and Mr, Lucus were in LaFayette Tuesday.

ROYAL CENTER By GLEASON KISTLER, Staff Correspondent. Flora ROYAL CENTER MARKETS Provisions 3 ens loosf.ers jjeese Jorn 67 lye seed lave Stock IQSB, per 100 per 100 Sheep 2c .20 ,20 .26 .16 .08 .25 .20 .12 7 0 .30 1.30 1.00 8.00 7.50 7.25 to Sc .15 i ize a band in the near the leadership of Roacoe Fultz, of this city. Nothing be more welcome than a band here and i there fs no as to the support citizens of Royal Center would give a band. In all probability they will organize this Thursday night. spent Sunday at Charles Wishjohn home.

I Cecil Ent, i and son, of In- dianapolis, came Monday evening for a few days' visit with James 1 a and wife and other rela- lives. Misn Mary Thompson of Logans port is visiting her sister, Mrs Frank Garish this week. I i Royal Center May Have Band -Woird is in circulation to the ef- M. that Royal Center may organ- LADS The Loyal League Lads of the i Baptist Sunday school were delight- entertained at the home of Donald Conn, Tuesday night. Light I refreshments were served and I games were played the evening.

Those present were Francis Kistfer, Richard Seward, i Edgar Beauchamp, Donald Smith, i Earnest Thomas, and their Sun! clay school teacher, Mrs. Cassie Harmon. I I A INTO ELEVATOR The Star City elevator was brok-! eo Into a i and 800 poainds of flour and 200 pounds I chicken feed stolen. No trail of the I i thieves has been Grain Market (McCorkle Bros. Rilley.) Corn, per cwt .74 Oats, per bu 31 Wheat, per bu 1.17 Rye, per bu 1.05 (Ashpaugh Flora) i Wheat, per bu.

51.17 Corn, per cwt 74 Oats, per bu 31 Rye, per bu. 1.05 Live Stock Market (Fllora Commission Co.) 5 Cattle Roughs $6.50 Stags 6.25 uAvop PUB QO'iS IB3A WALTON By SIDNEY STEFFEY, Staff Correspondent. GOES HICJHKB UP Frank WhJte of this city, who I was captain of our baseball club this season, has resigned his posi- I i on the initial sack and has ac- BIBLE CLASS ENTERTAINS The Men's Bible Class will enter- i tain all the members of the Christian Sunday school at the church I Friday evening. A good program has been prepared, one of the features being a debate on, "Resolved, that men in general have better dispositions than women," the women taking the affirmative and the men the negative. Wlimmac 20 ese sters tm jgs Stock 160 to 210 Ibs.

0 7 ters 0 6 7 2 lifers 04 $.05 Site 0 4 0 5 il .07 Market I third, averaging less than 60 eggs for three months. The average of eggs laid by one hen in i the state is 80. Misses Eldred and Lucile Ray 'motored from Chicago Monday on 2 legal business. 15' G. Rudelbach went to Chicago on business Tuesday.

.10 .05 Mrs. Fred Bradwick of Logansport visited between trains Tuesday evening with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller. The district meeting of the Rebekah lodge was held at Star City Tuesday evening, about 140 were cepted a position with the ball club of Danville, III. He plays evtry Sunday with that club.

BOYS HAVE SWIM 1 Wheat $1-20 1-10 I Bringhurst 200 to 250 Ibs 250 to Ibs. 300 a 100 to 140 003 7.80 .7.65 7.25 8.00 A A MASHED "Bill" Michaels met with a painful acident Tuesday when a cement block fell on his right hand, mashing the end of his second finger. A physician was summoned and two stitches were taken. Miss Lillit, Rase 01' Kokomo is in Flora, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ag'usta Broper, and famity.

Mrs. Tim Carey will return to her home in Knighlstown, Weclnes-! day, after a week's visit with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeoter and family, of Flora. Mr.

and Mrs. A. J. Metsker entertained at Sunday dinner for Benton Rutherford and daughters, Delia, Fern and Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs.

M. D. Stone and sons, Clarence and Kenneth. The Sunshine Boys of the Methodist churcfr-attendod a class meeting at the a of Donald Tuesday night. Twenty-two Tuesday night.

Twenty-two members were present. Games and contest constituted the ment for the evening. Light re-1 freshments were served. Five new i members were initiated, namely: Howard Pughfall, Harold Johnson, Arthur Johnson, Donald King, and Homer Baer. MANY.

GO OX EXCURSION Those taking the advantage of the excursion to Indianapolis, Sunday, from Flora, were as follows: "Bill" Edmonson, Martin McCary, Ed H'elvie, L. A. Moss, Floyd Wheeler, J. L. Robeyer and daughter Martha.

Mr. and Mrs. William Ball spent .30 Sunday with Mrs. Dora Keyes at 66 Camden. Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Ayres tained at their home Sunday, June 5. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Barteske, Mr.

and Mrs. John Siegrlst and family and Mr. and'Mrs. M. M.

Rutherford, Hillis and DeMaris Retherford and Violet Quinn are visiting relatives in Indianapolis. Mrs. Russell Harter has been omach Trouble Causes Death of IViaski Co. Man ludolph H. Wieskahn, age sixty- died at hia home southeast tirinamac Tuesday afternoon at followed an attack of jaach trouble.

He leaves a wld- and a large host of to jirn hiss death. The- cortege. I leave the bouse at. 10. o'clock morning, and go the Meth- church, where the; services cted.

The 1 be in charge of Rev. I), 'A. Por- of Star City, assistetd E. Portetr, and Rev. Drake, namac.

quite sick with ptomaine poisoning. Children's day will be observed here. Sunday, June 12. Benton Retherford and daughters, and Miss Deane Metsker took supper Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs.

A. W. Gillam. Mr. and Mrs.

William Ball, Harry. Quinn and family, Russell Harter and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres and family. Announcement of the engagement of Deane Metsker to Lewis Craig was made at a very unique party given at ne home of the AUDIT OF bride-to-be.

The house was decor- rOt'XTY OIJKRK'M BOOKS ated to represent the "Land of 1 Honey Moon." Those present were auditing of the booKs of the Mrg Russe Harter, Mrs. Bert 1' 1 I 4 1 JHi-ty clerk by Cllycle Strait and Doney, field examiners of the te board of accounts, has been bpleted, and the gentlemen have the- city. The evaminers have at work on the books for ut four weeks. Und "Still" in Public Building ffhe Sheriff Tuesday found a Sill" in the park house. He is waiting for the owner to call I "it, but up to the present time he not put in his appearance.

The Sviff believes that who ever was grating the "still" reasoned that of the public property for i factory it would be harder to Ice ownership in event of dis- Jfemy Perry Injured Perry, employed by the M. Keller Lumber company, suf- i from an i to his right Tuesday, and several stitches required to close the wound. IXTED MAURI ACS LICENSE lerbert Hoesel, son of Mr. and Icharles Hoesel, nnd Miss Sarah ibeth Powers, daughter of Mr. irs.

William Powers, were lied a license this jrnlng by the Circuit court. Earvey Luster and wife went to ansport today on business. rs. F. M.

Sanders of Marion, was here between fains on Illness. wesMe Alvie Spisrgeon, son of Mr. ijrs. Charles Spurgeon of Wina- a Ries, daughter of and Mrs. Isaac X.

Ries, were ilted a marriage license today. he Farm a of town- holds a meeting i at the ter sfhoolhouse. earl Starr. 15 year old a rtr. and Mrs.

R. Starr, is sick with Ayres, Mrs. George Ayres, Mrs. Dewey Zinn, Mrs. Roy Lane, Mrs.

Russell Ayres, Mrs. Owen Sheag- gley, Mrs. Glenn Eikenberry, Mrs. Loren Hinkle, Mrs. William Ball and Misses Lois Eikenberry, Fern Retherford, Faye Quinn, Ruth Retherford, Edine Platt, Hillis Retherford and Minnie Ayres.

The wedding will take place June 21. The couple will reside in Camden, where the groom-to-be is in the hardware business, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cook entertained Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Ayres and daughter, Carmen Jane. The Essential class of the Bringhurst M. E. Sunday school entertained their wives at the beauti- country home of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Quinn. Tho regular business was transacted after which games were played and refreshments served. The engagement of Wilbur Lane and Gladys Hubler of Young America is announced. The wedding will take place some time in June.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres entertained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harter and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Quinn and family, Mrs. Nell and Mr. and Mrs. William Ball.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carter and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.

A. McCracken. Children's day was well attended and the program was very good. present, guests being there from Winamac, Knox, North Judson, Kewanna, and Hamlet. Mrs.

Wedgewood of East Chicago, the vice-president, was present and gave quite an interesting talk. The next meeting will be held at Hamlet, Sept. 23. Mrs. Harry Brown and daughter Beulah spent Wednesday in Winamac with her parents, James Jones and wife.

PROMINENT CITIZEN DIES Rudolph Wishjohn passed away Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock after a lingering illness from cancer. The funeral services will be, held from the Winamac Methodist church Friday-morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. Rodgers. He leaves" a wife and four "children, sons, Charles and Henry, of Star City, Mrs.

Henry of Kansas and Mrs. Watts of Logansport. Pipe Creek The McNeely Memorial church, which is being erected on the old church site, will be completed within the next 30 days. It promises to be quite an addition to the entire community and will be when completed, one of the finest and most modern country churche.i In the county. The Ladies' Aid Society was entertained at the home of Mrs.

Gertrude Winters" in Onward. The next meeting will be held at the Mrs. Granville Kessling, Star City M. E. Sunday School Holds Picnic Today The M.

E. Sunday school will hold an all-day picnic in the James T. W. H. Thompson reports Miss a grove Thursday.

Games la a i i since her and contests will be played and two ration for appendicitis. I ball games will be played in the ands a been sold for a the men and boys from key road in a i c-ounty. and the Methodist Sunday school play- a have ing the men and boys from the k. i Christian Sunday school. A big 'he i a i Tigers play Ham- basket i ill be enjoyed.

3 9 i i a park a a Winaraae A. J. Abbott, wife and son, spent abtt weeks ago by a score of 6 to the week end i Riley Cummings i be i this and jyife near Kewanna. Dick Fahey will be in the Roscoe Glenn of Elgin, 111., has i for been i i i at the John Phillips tr. ('.

W'. Thompson and i re- home. a weeks' trip to R. B. Minton and i returned tshinston.

New and Bos- i Tuesday morning from a weeks' i. Mass. r. Thompson spent i visit at Ogden Center. with days at the session of the Mrs.

Minion's son. Dr. Chad Van item association. Dusen and wife. yi the county egg-laying contest! Ora Kestle and son Thomas ol entered S.12S hens, lay- Indianapolis are visiting relatives total of 124,785 eggs here.

the r.sonth 01 May. i Mrs. Gladys Bryant, son and the hens of Calvin daughter, of Hebron, came Monday of "Francesville won first: to visit a few days with her i.t average of eggs to a hen i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart.

tl'e three months. Lewis i Walter'Carter, wife and children, won perond. his hens of Logansport, spent last week with rM 0 for three C. M. Komer and wife.

Stephens of Star City won I Walter Watts and family of home of June 23. Tuesday evening, June 14, the Rotary club of Peru and their families served dinner by the Pipe Creek Aid society at the home of Mrs. H. J. Anderson.

The members of the club and their families had a gala day. The afternoon was spent in games and swimming, and dinner was served at 7 0 0 o'clock. Pipe Creek Falls is again the popular summer resort that it has been for the past several years, A new bath house has been erected and it makes a very pretty additioir to the surrounding grounds and insures a proper place for dressing and care of clothing. The Music League that was organized last winter in Logansport is extending their work throughout the county and are hoping to make Tipton township one of the foremost units in the organization. The league wants members and associate members in every township.

This is a fine musical organization. All who are interested in music are eligible for membership. Names for membership may be sent to Mrs. H. J.

Anderson. More extensive' plans of the league for next winter will be announced later. Alvin Thomas is very ill at his home in Walton. Mrs. Virgil Vore is slowly recovering from her recent illness.

Miss Doris Helvie spent last week with Cleo Thomas in alton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lutz, Mr. and Mrs.

Asa Nead, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cotterman and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bowyer of Logansport with their families, motered to Royal Center last Sunday where they were guests of Mrs.

Mabel Mrs. John Fidler of Peru remains in a critical condition. Mrs. Sarah Thomas of Tiffan, is spending the summer with her brother, William Costenborder. Mrs.

Charles i of Cam- a calling on relatives' and friends in Flora Wednesday. Miss Lois Eaton was helping them out in the Carroll County Loan Trust Co. bank Wednesday. Mjsses Fern Minriix and Dorcas Mills were in Logansport Wednesday shopping. Guy Kenrick and Raymond DeVinney were In Logansport Wednesday.

Work has been started on the new telephone office Inn Flora, and the manager stated" to a reporter today that they hope to get" moved by September 1st. They will a new cross connection rock, and many other changes will be made that is necessary. Aaron Flora of Western Howard county was calling on friends In Flora Wednesday. Glen Musselman, east of Camden was in Logansport Wednesday. Mr.

and Mrs. J. O. demons of Flora were in Indianapolis from Sunday until Tuesday evening, buy- Ing their new fall Mr! and Mrs. Charles Burton, Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas and' Mrs. Oscar Barnard, all of Flora, were in Lafayette, Wednesday, atending the Sunday schoolconvention. Miss Hazel Sims of Logansport returned home Wednesday after a few days' visit with her father, L. F.

Sines, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sines, of Flora. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Toler and little daughter Mary Susan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Harley Brubaker and family of western Howard county. Mrs. Susanna Toler and daughter Emma entertained at Sunday dinner, Mrs. Toler's sister, Mrs. Mary Jane Landis, and Mrs.

Minnie Asbury and son Paul of Flora. Mrs. James Cree returned to he home in Flora after a few days, visit with her son, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cree and family of Chicago.

Price, Peterson is reported on the sick list at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns of Flora. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert DeVinney returned to their home in Flora, Sunday, after a few days' visit with relatives at Lincoln and Galveston. Several of the business houses of Flora are brightening up their places by repainting their buildings. Harry Jackson moved from the Goslee flats Tuesday to the Gaylor property on West Columbia street David Fouts of Delphi is reported some improved. His condition is being watched very closely in Flora, as he was a resident of Flora for a number of years. CELEBRATES AXXIVERS1RY Mr.

and Mrs. William Garrison of Flora reminded their son, Russell Garrison, of his 21st birthday day evening, at a 6 o'clock dinner given at his home on South Center street. Those present were the Misses Mildred Hay. Martha Bingaman and Esther CHngenpeel- Mr and Mrs. Henry Eaton.

The 'boys were Don Garrison. Wayne Lee and Russeli Garrison, ah of Flora. A fine time was reported by all pres- GUY FUXERAL FRIDAY The funerall of James Douglas Guy, age sixty, who died at his home in Walton Tuesday as a result of a long suffering from cancer of the stomach, will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Guy left a widow and six children to mourn his death, besides a large circle of friends.

For years he lived on a farm near Walton, having retired from farming a short time ago and moved to Walton. Carl Mead and family left Monday for California. They will make several stops on their trips to view places of interest. Messrs. Mahoney O'Neil of Marion, are with Mr.

and Mrs. I. H. Orr. Mr.

I. H. Orr made a business trip to Logansport Tuesday. Charles Martin and family of Flora, are visiting Mr. Martin's brother, Herman Martin, of Walton.

Lutheran Aid society held a callled meeting at the home of Mrs. J. E. Duckworth Tuesday evening. A the business session a pleasant social evening was spent.

Those present were: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Sam Doran, Mrs Geo. Hurd, Mrs. Long, Mrs.

Artemus Sclmell, Mrs. Mort Waters, Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. E. E.

Phillips, Mrs. Shafer, Mrs. Steffey, Mrs. Crockett, and Mrs. Duckworth.

Here She Be Wall, by. honk, at last we got it, and the fellers that 'ave signed air smilin' satisfaction. The real, "I knowecl it" kind fer the paper that wuz comin' busted out, jist like a sun thet hez been hid by a storm one. Seems like folks hez been a waitin' fer the comin' of The Press like a canidate fer 'lection. Who's flggers wuz by guess.

But she's out at last an' goin' and most ever" one it seems air as happy as the youngsters thet live in fancy dreams. Farmers, bizuess men an' wimmin say they read 'er thru an" thru, advertisement, news, an' funnies. Then they grabbed fer volume two. An' the editor '11 send 'er long like "one" wuz sent, cause ther's plenty folks that to git her her contents. Seems she fills an air content.

Seems she fills an sure confess. They air glad they signed fer takin' Tho Logan Mornin' (Contributed by Oiie) Twelve Mile The Christian Endeavor Society of the U. B. church gave an ice cream social on the school lawn Saturday evening. About $12 was cleared.

The society holds Its meetings every Sunday 7:00 o'clock. An interest has been in the Gleaner organization here. Twenty-one members have been added hls spring. Meetings are opened promptly at 8:00 o'clock every Wednesday evening. To Mr.

and Mrs. Dewey Earl, an eight pound baby boy, -Thursday, June 9. Eugene. alumni nVeeung.tor June was held at the home" of Mr. and Mrs.

Ross Shafer, near Peru. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leffel on July 7.

"VT rr T-i-tVVn-' I JOHNKEITZER PeaJcr in Si GROCERIES, MEATS. OTVERAfc MDSB. KOM Cf Phone 812 KENMONT Is the name of real Satisfying COAL, rained in old Kentucky and is the only Coal of Its kind on the market. There is none just the same. Below are Hated a lew of the reasons why It will.

be your choice after-a trial. It burns freely--Makes a quick fire--No long waft for results. It lasts long, being the highest fixed carbon bituminous Coal on the market excepting Pocahontas. It makes but 2 pounds of ash per 100 pounds of Coal; as a result you carry out ashes possibly once a week, while with ordinary coal it is a daily task. It does not soot your furnace, stove or flue, your rain water clean regardless of the size of your flue KENMONT burns clean.

In buying Coal you want the most heat service you can for your dollar. KENMONT, the best and cheapest In the end, we suggest you try KENMONT and let It talk for' itself. Buy Now--Prices Low--But Going Up 4 9 PtBl Citizens Coal Supply Co. Phone 888 At THE OWL Soda Fountain All Sodas and Sundaes 1 Ic. Peach Sundae 10 Raspberry 10 Fruit Salad .10 Bitter Sweet .10 Chocolate .10 Malted Milk 13 Egg Phosphate 15 Root Beer ,05 Ginger Ale .05 Orange Chrush .05 Fresh Lemonade and Welches Grape Juice.

A Cool Place to Drop In. OWL DRUG STORE ROY DICKERSON, Prop. Where All Cars Stop 3rd and B'dwV Auto Laundry Mooney Brothers are now WASHING AUTOMOBILES, DAY OR NIGHT Prices Right--Work Right MOONEY BROS. At Point Garage--211 E. Market St.

days visiting Ardis Shafer, near Peru, last week. Miss Flora Brown is still visiting with her cousin in Indianapolis. Miss Miriam Jones is the proud possessor of a new pony and cart. Miss Rachel Bell, who is attending schoo! at North Manchester, came home Sunday to spend the day with her parents. She returned on Monday.

Children's day exercises were held at Corinth, Sunday evening. TKey-Jiad a very good program ami a very large crowd was present. A children's entertainment was also held at the Bethlehem Methodist church Sunday evening, Mrs. John Sullivan's funeral waa held at the Skinner church afternoon. Gordon Mikesell, who has been working in Anderson, spent Sunday his parents here.

Reynolds Mrs. Willcoxen as taken to the hospital at tunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. Starky of.Mul- berry are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Haveii; Rheinhaiit and family'i Mrs. Clifford pasto and children returned LaFayetto, 5 Monday, where she has, been spending the week with her p'arenta. A number of young people from here attended a party at Brookstori, Tuesday evening, given in honor pt Mr. and Mrs.

Fred who were d. Ray Geyer, a salesman of Monticello, was here on business Monday and-Tuesday. Harriet Buckles has returned to United Hat 322 Third Street Paeppas Lambros Star Battenes Your car Star battery. Your battery" will be us to solve U. U.

-South Side Garage 116-126 Store 2383 Res, Phone 0O PAUL NOEZINSKAY Fine Tailoring Speclfclty Our Motto: A StUuh in Time and Qonts Cor. Third High You Pay Good Money When you buy painting. and decorating. Why be assured of ON THE DOLLAR By contracting next job with your C. MANRING, Phone 1008-K i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i CALLING YOUR ATTENTION To the Merits and Superiority of 3 OSTEOPATHY 5 in the relief of pain and maintaining haiihony in the body structure which means JE HEALTH.

For twenty years Dr. C. L. Nelson has successfully practiced, In Logansport, this i Method of combating disease. Graduate licensed by State Board of Examiners.


The Logansport Morning Press from Logansport, Indiana (2025)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.